Machine Learning

Here we will demonstrate some fo the capabilities of PyBigDFT that are useful for constructing large datasets. We will demonstrate the utility of these features by showing a machine learning example based on the QMLCode. Our goal will be to predict the energy of two water molecules. We will start by performing an MD simulation of water molecules using a forcefield. We will then compute snapshot energies using both a forcefield and BigDFT. We will feed the BigDFT energies into the machine learning model and see how we do.

The number of datapoints to use:

num_conformers = 200
num_training = int(num_conformers/2)

Read in the starting system.

from BigDFT.IO import XYZReader
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from copy import deepcopy

sys = System()
with XYZReader("H2O") as ifile:
    sys["FRA:0"] = Fragment(xyzfile=ifile)
sys["FRA:1"] = deepcopy(sys["FRA:0"])
sys["FRA:1"].translate([-5, 0, 0])

Now it is time for the MD run, which will be done using openbabel’s MMFF94 implementation. We will do a bunch of runs at 300K, stopping every 0.1 picoseconds to extract a position and energy value.

from BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop import molecular_dynamics, system_energy, optimize_system

sys = optimize_system(sys)

systems = [sys]
mm_energies = [system_energy(sys)]

for i in range(num_conformers-1):
    step = molecular_dynamics(systems[-1], 100, 300)

Now we will compute these energy values using BigDFT.

from BigDFT.Inputfiles import Inputfile
inp = Inputfile()

We will create a dataset so we can iterate over two dimensions: snapshots and functional.

from BigDFT.Datasets import Dataset
data = Dataset(run_dir="work-ai", input=inp)
from copy import deepcopy
from BigDFT.Calculators import SystemCalculator
code = SystemCalculator(verbose=False)

for functional in ["LDA", "PBE"]:
    for i in range(num_conformers):
        thisinp = deepcopy(inp)
        thisinp["posinp"] = systems[i].get_posinp()
        if functional == "PBE":
        data.append_run(id={"step": i, "functional": functional}, runner = code, input=thisinp)
results =

And we extract the results.

energies = {"LDA": data.fetch_results({'functional' : "LDA"}, attribute='energy'),
                   "PBE": data.fetch_results({'functional' : "PBE"}, attribute='energy')}

We can verify our simulations by plotting the DFT and MM energies together.

def plot_fit(xvals, yvals, axs):
    from numpy import polyfit, poly1d
    from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

    def best_fit(xvals, yvals):
        return poly1d(polyfit(xvals, yvals, 1))

    fit = best_fit(xvals, yvals)
    r2 = r2_score(fit(xvals), yvals)

    axs.plot(xvals, fit(xvals), 'r', linestyle='--', label="$R^2 = $" + "{:.3f}".format(r2))
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(8,6))
axs[0,0].plot(mm_energies, 'kx')
axs[0,1].plot(energies["LDA"], 'k+')
axs[0,1].set_title("DFT (LDA)")
axs[1,0].plot(energies["PBE"], 'k+')
axs[1,0].set_title("DFT (PBE)")
axs[1,1].plot(mm_energies, energies["PBE"], 'k+')
plot_fit(mm_energies, energies["PBE"], axs[1,1])
axs[1,1].set_title("Correlation (PBE vs. MMFF94)")
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
        axs[i, j].ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
        axs[i, j].set_ylabel("Energy (Hartree)", fontsize=12)
axs[1,1].set_ylabel("DFT Energy (Hartree)", fontsize=12)
axs[1,1].set_xlabel("Open Babel Energy (Hartree)", fontsize=12)

Before proceeding, let’s shuffle those values to remove any time correlation when predicting.

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
systems, target = shuffle(systems, energies["PBE"], random_state=0)

We are ready at this point to start with the machine learning example. We just need a very simple subroutine to convert to one of QML’s fingerprints.

def convert_system_to_coulomb_matrix(sys, sorting="row-norm"):
    from numpy import array
    from qml.representations import generate_coulomb_matrix
    from BigDFT.Atoms import atomic_number

    charges = []
    coordinates = []

    size = sum([len(x) for x in sys.values()])
    for frag in sys.values():
        for at in frag:

    return generate_coulomb_matrix(array(charges), array(coordinates),
                                                          size=size, sorting=sorting)
from numpy import array
reps = array([convert_system_to_coulomb_matrix(x) for x in systems])

Build our training and prediction sets.

training_Y = array(target[:num_training])
predict_Y = array(target[num_training:])

training_X = reps[:num_training]
predict_X = reps[num_training:]

This is all just QML boilerplate. You can play with the sigma value (the famous hyper parameter tuning).

from qml.kernels import gaussian_kernel
from qml.math import cho_solve
from numpy import diag_indices_from

sigma = 1000
K = gaussian_kernel(training_X, training_X, sigma)
K[diag_indices_from(K)] += 1e-8
alpha = cho_solve(K, training_Y)
from numpy import dot
Ks = gaussian_kernel(predict_X, training_X, sigma)
computed = dot(Ks, alpha)

Now we are ready to plot our results.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,4))

axs.plot(predict_Y, computed, 'kx')
plot_fit(predict_Y, computed, axs)

axs.set_xlabel("Computed", fontsize=12)
axs.set_ylabel("Predicted", fontsize=12)
axs.set_title("PBE + Dispersion", fontsize=12)



Now we repeat this process for LDA.

target = shuffle(energies["LDA"], random_state=0)
training_Y = array(target[:num_training])
predict_Y = array(target[num_training:])
sigma = 1000
K = gaussian_kernel(training_X, training_X, sigma)
K[diag_indices_from(K)] += 1e-8
alpha = cho_solve(K, training_Y)
Ks = gaussian_kernel(predict_X, training_X, sigma)
computed = dot(Ks, alpha)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(12,4))

axs.plot(predict_Y, computed, 'kx')
plot_fit(predict_Y, computed, axs)

axs.set_xlabel("Computed", fontsize=12)
axs.set_ylabel("Predicted", fontsize=12)
axs.set_title("LDA", fontsize=12)
